Support German Toilet Organization’s (GTO) work to improve sanitation at home and abroad. GTO guarantees transparent, efficient and sustainable use of all funds. We focus on cooperation – strengthening and empowering affected groups through partnership and education.
Your donation makes GTO projects not only possible, but greater. GTO leverages donations, by getting other donors to match them. At the same time, all projects are carefully selected for a multiplier-effect in their impact. For example: rather than building toilets for 50 households, we prefer to coach others, who provide services for thousands of individuals. This is how we make the most out of your money – and how we jointly can have the largest impact in fighting the global sanitation crisis.
Thanks for your trust and support!
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How can I donate periodically?
When you fill out the online donation form, a query will open where you can set the rhythm of the donation (one time, monthly, yearly). Regular donations help us a lot because they make our work more predictable. Alternatively you can become a sustaining member.
How can I become a sustaining member?
Is my personal data safe when I donate online?
Will I receive a donation receipt?
Should I indicate a specific donation purpose?
How can I track the use of my donation?
Who should I contact if I have questions about donations?