
Below you will find information about German Toilet Organization e. V. (GTO) according to the ten points of the initiative Transparent Civil Society (Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft).


German Toilet Organization e. V. has committed itself to make the following information available to the public.

Name, headquarter, address and founding year

German Toilet Organization e. V.
Paulsenstraße 23 | 12163 Berlin
registered association nr. 25207 B, local court Charlottenburg
The German Toilet Organization e. V. was founded in 2005.

For more information: Imprint

GTO contact

Manuela Fuchs
Tel: +49 (0)30 41934345

Statutes of GTO (in German) and other important information


Date of most recent tax office decision

German Toilet Organization e. V. is recognized as a non-profit organization according to the exemption notice of the Berlin tax office dated 22.07.2022 (Tax number 27/666/56403).

GTO exemption notice: gto-freistellungsbescheid-2018-2020-in-german.pdf

Name and function of key decision-makers

  • Dr. Reinhard Marth (Head of the association board)
  • Dr. Kilian Langenbach (Member of the association board)
  • Barbara Wagner (Member of the association board)
  • Thilo Panzerbieter (Executive board)

Report on the activities of GTO (in German)


Personnel structure

There are currently 10 employees working for GTO. The team is currently supported by two interns and the volunteer treasurer.

Source and application of funds (in German)


Ties with third parties


Names of entities whose annual contributions account for more than ten percent of our total annual income

  • Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt), in 2018 & 2019
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, in 2018
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